学习matplotlib绘图时,代码如下,执行过后,图片弹窗没有弹出。 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib plt.plot([1.6, 2.7]) 并且有下面的报错 cannot load backend ‘qt5agg’ which requires the ‘qt5’ interactive framework, as ‘headless’ is currently running 看起来似乎是backend没有设置有关。查了些资料,设置了还是不行。 最后偶然发现,我执行python 都是在tmux里面执行的,如果不再tmux会话里面执行,图片就能正常显示。 问题从设置backend, 切换到tmux的会话。 查到sf上正好有相关的问题,可能是在tmux里面PATH环境变量引起的问题。 问题给的建议是把下面的代码写入.bashrc中, If you’re on a Mac and have been wondering why /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin keeps getting prepended to PATH when you run tmux, it’s because of a utility called path_helper that’s run from your /etc/profile file. You can’t easily persuade tmux (or rather, bash) not to source /etc/profile (for some reason tmux always runs as a login shell, which means /etc/profile will be read), but you can make sure that the effects of path_helper don’t screw with your PATH. ...