# MSILO usage example
# $ID: daniel $
children=2check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v)dns=off # (cmd. line: -r)rev_dns=off # (cmd. line: -R)# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
#set module path
mpath="/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/"loadmodule"textops.so"loadmodule"sl.so"loadmodule"db_mysql.so"loadmodule"maxfwd.so"loadmodule"tm.so"loadmodule"usrloc.so"loadmodule"registrar.so"loadmodule"msilo.so"# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# -- registrar params --
modparam("registrar","default_expires",120)# -- usrloc params --
modparam("usrloc","db_mode",0)# -- msilo params --
modparam("msilo", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
# -- tm params --
modparam("tm","fr_timer",10)modparam("tm","fr_inv_timer",15)modparam("tm","wt_timer",10)route{if(!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")){sl_send_reply("483","To Many Hops");exit;};if(is_myself("$rd")){# for testing purposes, simply okay all REGISTERs
# is_method("XYZ") is faster than ($rm=="XYZ")# but requires textops moduleif(is_method("REGISTER")){ save("location");
log("REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO\n");
# MSILO - dumping user's offline messagesif(m_dump()){ log("MSILO: offline messages dumped - if they were\n");
}else{ log("MSILO: no offline messages dumped\n");
# backup r-uri for m_dump() in case of delivery failure $avp(11)= $ru;
# domestic SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DBif(!lookup("location")){if(! t_newtran()){ sl_reply_error();
# we do not care about anything else but MESSAGEsif(!is_method("MESSAGE")){if(!t_reply("404", "Not found")){ sl_reply_error();
log("MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO\n");
# MSILO - storing as offline messageif(m_store("$ru")){ log("MSILO: offline message stored\n");
if(!t_reply("202", "Accepted")){ sl_reply_error();
}else{ log("MSILO: offline message NOT stored\n");
if(!t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable")){ sl_reply_error();
# if the downstream UA does not support MESSAGE requests# go to failure_route[1] t_on_failure("1");
# forward anything else t_relay();
}failure_route[1]{# forwarding failed -- check if the request was a MESSAGE
if(!is_method("MESSAGE")) exit;
log(1,"MSILO: the downstream UA does not support MESSAGE requests ...\n");
# we have changed the R-URI with the contact address -- ignore it nowif(m_store("$avp(11)")){ log("MSILO: offline message stored\n");
t_reply("202", "Accepted");
}else{ log("MSILO: offline message NOT stored\n");
t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable");